ABOUT Gaming Awards

The gaming ecosystem has mushroomed over time, thanks to its acceptance by the audience, and diversity in genres. Gaming as a genre, be it fantasy, to casual , have seen a rising impact in India, leading to huge buzz and business vitality.

The Gaming Awards will recognize excellence in the dynamic space and acknowledge the best in the business. This will be India's first B2C holistically integrated gaming awards. Red carpet will be laid, mass voting for favourites, performances, who's who of gaming space attending, et al.

IWMBuzz is one of the leading online publications. Movies, Television, Music, Sports, and Gaming content admirers find their daily dose of News, Reviews, Interviews, Celebrity Gossip, Photos, and Videos on IWMBuzz.



Amit Wadhwa
CEO, South Asia, Dentsu Creative
Anurag Khurana
CEO & Founder, Newgen Gaming Pvt. Ltd
Gautam Virk
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer (India), Nodwin Gaming
Kamlesh Jain
Co-Founder & CRO, Napptix
Krishanu Ghosal
Lead - Public Relations & Communication Services, Max Level
Neha Sethi Mehta
Sales Lead Ampverse, DMI
Rishi Alwani
Video Games Consultant, 0451 Games
Siddharth Nayyar
Co-Founder & CRO, Max Level
Sujata Dwibedy
Chief Investment & Trading Officer, Amplifi, dentsu India
Vishal Parekh
COO, CyberPowerPC India


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